Grüner Kaffee beim Abnehmen

Green coffee for weight loss

Lose weight with green coffee? Doctors have different opinions when it comes to the rumor that the beverage can play an important or even weight-reducing role in losing weight. Green coffee has been proven to support a diet in which weight loss is achieved through physical activity and a healthy diet. Straight to the point: the difference to conventional coffee Green coffee is made from the same beans of the coffee plant as the popular black coffee. However, the green coffee is not subjected to a roasting or fermentation process. This means that the so-called pyrolysis, i.e. the process of decay, does not take place in the beans and therefore green coffee does not taste bitter, but rather sour. The caffeine content of green and black coffee is no different. In the green zone: the supporting effect when losing weight US researchers from Santa Margarita and San Antonio discovered for the first time that green coffee has properties that promote weight reduction. The team examined patients who were on a 1200 kcal diet. Some of them were given green coffee extracts, while the other half received a placebo. The results of the study suggest a "slimming" effect of green coffee: the patients who were treated with the green coffee extract lost an average of three kilograms more than the subjects in the placebo group. But what are the mysterious properties of green coffee that support weight loss? Green coffee contains chlorogenic acid - an important metabolic element of plants and at the same time a powerful antioxidant. Asian researchers found that the reaction of chlorogenic acid with caffeine initially reduces the assimilation of sugar in the body. This is accompanied by a reduction in fatty tissue. Chlorogenic acid also has a strong antibacterial effect and, together with caffeine, cleanses the body of toxins. Studies have also shown other health-promoting properties of green coffee: for example, it can reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes. The extracts can also counteract the formation of gallstones in men and reduce unpleasant cellulite in women. Green coffee is not a miracle cure that would replace a balanced diet and an active lifestyle on the way to a slimmer figure. Such an unrealistic description of green coffee is often criticized and leads to controversy. It is important to see the extracts as a supplement that supports the loss of excess pounds alongside a healthy lifestyle. In terms of taste, green coffee does not come close to the popular black coffee - but in terms of its health-promoting properties, it clearly beats its dark relative and can even compete with the much-vaunted powers of green tea!
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