
Bloated stomach: reasons and what you can do about it

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Bloating is a common and uncomfortable problem that affects many people. It is characterized by a bloated feeling in the abdomen, often accompanied by pain, fullness and flatulence. Although bloating is usually harmless, it can affect the quality of life and be uncomfortable.

In this article, we will look at the most common causes of bloating and give tips on how you can avoid or relieve it.

Common causes of a bloated stomach

A bloated stomach occurs when too much air or gas accumulates in the gastrointestinal tract. These gases can be caused by various factors:

intolerances and allergies

Food intolerances such as lactose intolerance or gluten intolerance are common causes of flatulence. The body cannot break down certain food components properly, which leads to increased gas formation. People with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in particular are more prone to a bloated stomach.

Flatulent foods

Certain foods promote the formation of gas in the intestines. These include:

legumes (beans, lentils)

cabbages (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts)

onions and garlic

Carbonated drinks

These foods contain complex carbohydrates that are fermented in the intestines and converted into gas, causing bloating.

Eating too quickly and swallowing air

When you eat too quickly, you swallow more air , which then becomes trapped in your digestive tract. Chewing gum, drinking through a straw, or smoking heavily can also cause you to swallow more air, which can contribute to bloating.

Incorrect diet and fiber

A sudden increase in fiber intake can overwhelm the intestines and lead to increased bloating. Although fiber is important for digestion, too much at once can increase gas production in the intestines, especially if you have an unbalanced diet.

Hormonal fluctuations

Women in particular experience hormonal changes during their menstrual cycle or during menopause that can lead to a bloated stomach. These hormonal fluctuations affect bowel activity and water retention, which can increase the feeling of a bloated stomach.

stress and nervousness

Another common but often underestimated problem is stress . Stress can affect bowel function, leading to digestive problems and bloating. The so-called "irritable bowel syndrome", which is closely linked to psychological stress, can also cause bloating and abdominal pain.

What you can do about a bloated stomach

There are many strategies to prevent or relieve bloating. Here are some helpful tips:

Pay attention to your diet

To reduce bloating, pay attention to foods that cause gas . However, this doesn't mean you have to cut them out of your diet completely - adjusting the amounts or observing how your body reacts to them can help. If you suspect an intolerance, a food diary can be useful to determine the connection between certain foods and bloating.

Eat slowly and chew well

Eat in small bites and take time to chew your food thoroughly. This will help you avoid swallowing air unnecessarily and will make it easier for your digestive system to process the food.

Avoid carbonated drinks

Sodas and other carbonated drinks can cause bloating because they fill the stomach with gas. Instead, drink still water or herbal teas to keep yourself hydrated without taking in extra gas.

Probiotics for a healthy intestinal flora

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can support the microbiome in the gut and improve digestion. They help promote balance in the gut and reduce bloating. You can find probiotics in foods such as yogurt , sauerkraut or special probiotic preparations .

Exercise against flatulence

Physical activity helps to stimulate digestion and eliminate gas accumulation in the intestines more quickly. A short walk after eating can prevent bloating. Light stretching exercises or yoga can also relax the abdominal area and help to release gas accumulation.

reduce stress

Stress can affect digestion and make bloating worse. Relaxation techniques such as yoga , meditation or breathing exercises can help normalize bowel function and relieve bloating.

drinking gastrointestinal tea

Certain herbal teas such as chamomile, fennel, peppermint or caraway have soothing properties and can help promote digestion and relieve bloating. Drinking a warm tea after a meal can soothe the gastrointestinal tract and help pass gas faster.

exclude food intolerances

If you regularly suffer from bloating, you should see a doctor to rule out possible intolerances or food allergies . A simple test can help you understand which foods to avoid to prevent bloating.

When should you see a doctor?

Bloating is often harmless, but if symptoms persist or are accompanied by other problems, you should see a doctor. For example, if you have severe pain , persistent diarrhea , constipation , or weight loss , this could indicate a more serious digestive disorder, such as irritable bowel syndrome , celiac disease , or another gastrointestinal disorder.

Identify causes and relieve flatulence

A bloated stomach can be caused by various reasons, from poor diet to stress or intolerances. In order to effectively relieve a bloated stomach, it is important to know the triggers and act accordingly. By making small adjustments to your diet , lifestyle and daily routine, you can reduce bloating and relieve your stomach.

If you are unsure about the cause or if the bloating persists, it is advisable to consult a doctor to rule out possible intolerances or illnesses.

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