
A balanced diet is not that complicated

Eine ausgewogene Ernährung ist gar nicht so kompliziert

Nowadays, people are increasingly thinking about their diet and a healthier lifestyle. However, many eat too many calories or too one-sidedly. But what is the right nutritional cocktail to stay healthy and fit for a long time?

A balanced diet is not as complicated as it initially sounds. Eating fresh, partly sour or steamed foods is rich in minerals, vitamins and trace elements that the body needs to live and can process smoothly.

The human organism needs a variety of substances to make efficient use of food possible. But no one has to forgo culinary delights. It often helps if you think a little about how the food is composed or cooked and, above all, in what quantities you eat.

Alkaline foods are essential for a good diet

There is a well-known rule of thumb that says you should eat fruit and vegetables five times a day. In the alkaline diet concept, foods are divided into different categories that have a neutral, alkaline or acidic effect on the body. Fruit and vegetables are alkaline foods, such as potatoes or bananas. Acid-forming foods include grains such as spelt or wheat. Coffee, carbonated drinks, meat and some dairy products also fall into the acidic category. Neutral products are seeds such as buckwheat, amaranth or millet, which are also gluten-free.

Gluten is by no means unhealthy for healthy people and healthy people do not have to avoid it. However, the gluten protein is harmful for people with celiac disease (gluten intolerance) because it causes painful inflammation of the stomach and intestines. In these cases, a low-gluten or gluten-free diet is advisable.

Another rule of thumb is that you should "eat a rainbow every week". Colors play an important role in food intake. The more colorful you eat, the better. In addition to the usual apple, pears, tomatoes or broccoli are perfect for a balanced diet. Today, the choice of food is so large that you can also choose exotic fruits and vegetables. So you can vary the color, taste, freshness and origin of the products every day. This way, your daily diet is not only healthy, but also varied.

Peppers, citrus fruits, spinach and broccoli are particularly rich in vitamins. Garlic, grapefruit, radishes, red onions and garden cress even contain natural antibiotics. Strawberries, apricots, tomatoes, pumpkin and carrots contain carotenoids that protect the skin from UV radiation. Sarponins, which are found in red berries, asparagus and peas, are responsible for binding bile acid and cholesterol. All vegetables and fruits also contain flavonoids and polyphenols. These are also found in tea, cocoa and certain types of grain and nuts. They can also be found in raspberries, apples, lettuce and peaches. The beneficial substances protect the plants from external influences and therefore also have a positive effect on the human body.

The acid-base balance in the human organism should always be in a healthy equilibrium. By choosing the right foods, you can counteract over-acidification.

The combination of foods should be varied and carefully chosen. A balanced diet is achieved by eating lots of fruit and vegetables, good fats and carbohydrates, as well as lots of fish and little meat. Exercise and a healthy lifestyle are the ideal complement to a healthy diet.

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