Need protein powder? - here you get all the information

As a passionate fitness fan, you will certainly have already come into contact with protein powder. There are numerous protein products that you may have already been offered during your visit to the gym. These include various shakes and nutritional supplements in a wide variety of varieties. You will also often come across advertisements promoting protein powder in drugstores, sports shops and pharmacies. In this guide, you will find all the important information about the effects and efficiency of the powder.
What is protein powder actually?
The powder is made up of a mixture of animal and plant proteins. Protein powder is mainly taken in the form of food supplements to support sporting activities and diets. The most common way to consume protein powder is through shakes. The powder is mixed with milk or water and then drunk. Additives such as sugar or flavor enhancers should be avoided.
What are proteins?
These are compounds made up of linked amino acids (usually 100 to 300). Proteins are divided into essential and non-essential amino acids, whereby the latter can be produced by the body itself. Essential amino acids, on the other hand, must be supplied from outside. Animal proteins contain all nine essential amino acids at once and have a clear advantage over non-essential amino acids.
Protein powder and its use:
As a rule, our human body does not need any additional protein powder. We can easily cover our protein needs with a healthy diet. However, the powder is a great help during training. Protein powder makes it easier to build muscle. Intensive training requires more protein, which you can replenish with the help of protein shakes. Muscle regeneration is also shortened. This means that you need to pay more attention to the regularity of intake.
Post-workout shake? - why is this protein boost useful?
In competitive sports, the powder can have a very good effect after a strenuous workout. Above all, immune competence is increased and ensures a long-term feeling of satiety in the body. Body weight control and the increased need for protein are thus optimally covered.
How much protein does our human body need?
This is a very controversial topic, as there are different opinions about protein requirements. Scientific institutions recommend a daily intake of around 0.66 to 0.83 grams of "high-quality" protein per kilogram of body weight. Infants and pregnant women should enjoy a higher intake of protein.
For the gourmets among you, you can download various recipes for protein shakes from the internet. This way you can also cater to your own taste.
Side effects and criticism of protein powder - do they exist?
There are no serious health problems caused by an overdose of protein. Possible complications from excessive consumption range from disruption of the acid-base balance to mild gastrointestinal complaints.
Protein powder is viewed very critically in literature. The powder transports certain substances into the blood faster than conventional foods. This leads to faster combustion to produce energy, instead of the important protosynthesis. Isolated proteins are also not utilized as effectively as if you were to choose a balanced diet.
Does protein powder have to be used to build muscle?
As we have already mentioned, protein requirements do not necessarily need to be met with food supplements, as a balanced diet can cover all areas of the body. Protein powder can be very useful as a support or in the case of short-term malnutrition. You can simply cover your protein needs with a handful of nuts, bananas or other protein-rich products to satisfy your hunger during your training break. After training, you should not go without protein in any form. The body needs protein to regenerate and build muscle at the same time.
Can you lose weight with protein powder?
Protein-rich food can make you feel full for longer. Protein powder is therefore an ideal dietary supplement, as it contains only a small amount of fat and carbohydrates. Some meals can be completely replaced by protein shakes. The combination of exercise, an active, healthy lifestyle and protein powder can quickly lead to success, especially for obese people.
The different types of protein powder
Protein powders are differentiated by their composition, which achieves different effects:
- Whey protein (whey portein)
This is a basic protein that is essential for building muscle. It has the highest biological value, 104. The proportion of essential branched amino acids is very high.
- Soy protein
In contrast to other protein powders, this protein is made from purely plant-based raw materials (soy). It is the best alternative for vegetarians, vegans and lactose intolerant people. However, the biological value is significantly lower than that of whey protein and is 85.
- Multi-component proteins
The mix of different types of protein is also known as a multi-component protein. Different amino acids work together and are said to work much better. By specifically mixing slow and fast digestible proteins, the absorption time can be used more effectively.
In summary:
You can meet your daily protein requirements with a balanced and healthy diet. If necessary, during sporting activities, when losing weight and other life events, you can use protein powder in the form of shakes and powder as a dietary supplement.