
The new fitness trend - Freeletics

Freeletics erklärt: Effektives Training mit dem eigenen Körpergewicht
Freeletics - the new fitness trend
The latest trend in the fitness world is called "Freeletics". Convinced followers exchange experiences online, show photos of their successes and try to constantly improve their performance. Many Hollywood stars are also enthusiastic about Freeletics. What is Freeletics? This innovative training method was developed by three Munich athletes together with some sports scientists. A big advantage of Freeletics is that no expensive equipment is required: Freeletics can be practiced in your own living room using an app. The exercises are explained and demonstrated by an electronic coach. The motto of Freeletics is: train as much as possible in as little time as possible. So it's just right for busy people who want to do something for their fitness between all their appointments! The basics of Freeletics Freeletics consists of three training disciplines: workouts, exercises and runs. Workouts are a combination of different exercises that must be performed in a specified order and number. Workouts train endurance and strength. Exercises are a specified number of repetitions of a specific exercise. Speed, strength and stamina are trained. Runs are specified distances and range from short sprints to middle distances and marathons. Runs train the heart and circulation. All training is completed against the clock. The combination of these three types of training is ideal for the greatest possible progress. The aim is to complete each workout as quickly as possible. To do this, the fastest time - also known as the personal best - is measured. The basic version of the app is free. In the paid version, the coach knows the fitness level of the trainee and adjusts the exercises and number of repetitions accordingly. Important tips for Freeletics It is important that beginners approach the training slowly and do not overexert themselves. It is generally better for bones, ligaments and cartilage not to build up too much muscle in too short a time. The tutorials should be watched carefully at the beginning, several times if possible. Beginners should also take their time and not expect to complete a complete workout. The exercises should be performed cleanly and precisely in order to achieve the best possible results. If exercises are performed incorrectly, the risk of injury increases. The Freeletics app already has more than a million users worldwide and the number of fans is growing daily. Many before and after photos on the internet show that this trend really does work. Good results can be achieved in a short time and the body can be changed for the better. There is also a kind of "peer pressure" with Freeletics: Since other users of the app can see your progress and also applaud you electronically, the incentive is high.
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