What function does creatine have in the body?
Creatine has a whole range of functions in the body that you can use to build muscle. A very important task is to provide energy to the muscle cells, which is essential for the muscles to work. Creatine also has a positive effect on the nerves and the brain.
Creatine promotes protein synthesis and thus muscle growth. After a heavy load, muscles recover more quickly and you soon regain your old performance. The substance also has the property of storing water in the muscle cells. This not only makes them bigger, but also harder. However, you don't need to worry about the definition of your muscles, as the water is not stored in adjacent areas, so this does not change.
With creatine you can increase your maximum strength and also improve short-term performance. Other positive effects relate to endurance and explosive strength. Medicine has long known about the benefits, so creatine is used to treat various muscle diseases (e.g. muscular dystrophy). What foods contain creatine? Creatine comes from the Greek kreas, which means meat. So it is clear where most creatine comes from. People should consume three to four grams of it a day. The actual requirement depends on age, gender and activity. People who eat meat usually meet fifty percent of their requirements from meat or fish, with red meat being particularly rich. The body can produce the rest itself. When choosing foods, fresh meat is particularly preferable. Various processing methods, such as curing or smoking, destroy a large part of the creatine.
Vegetarians who drink milk can absorb creatine this way, but it is not enough for training. You cannot absorb creatine through a plant-based diet. In this case, taking creatine as a supplement is recommended. This is also recommended for people who eat a mixed diet during an intensive workout.
Creatine as a dietary supplement
Creatine is available in the form of a white powder. If you pour this into a drink with sugar, the pancreas produces insulin, which quickly transports the substance into the muscle cells. You can buy creatine online from various manufacturers, for example.
As described above, creatine stores water in the muscles, which is why it is a good idea to drink as much fluid as possible during a treatment.
You can either take two to four grams on a permanent basis or do a creatine course, although you should take a little break afterwards. During the course, you take five grams of creatine two to four times a week. Over the next three months, you take between two and four grams a day. After that, it is a good idea to take a break of four weeks.
If you overdo it or are intolerant to creatine, side effects such as diarrhea, bloating or muscle cramps are possible.
At a glance
- Creatine is only found in animal foods
- Serves to provide energy and regeneration
- Chemically speaking, it is an organic acid