The fruits of the saw palmetto have added health benefits, for example when age-related prostate problems occur. This plant is mainly found on the coast of Florida and is notable for its large, fan-shaped leaves. The berry-sized, dark red fruits are formed in autumn and have seeds with a high fat content. These taste very bitter, but were an important food for the native people of Florida (the Seminoles). They soon discovered the medicinal properties of the fruit and used it as a medicine. The natives also made use of the rest of the plant. For example, they made various wickerwork from the branches. In the 20th century, the healing properties of the saw palmetto also became known in Europe.
Appearance and occurrence of saw palmetto
Other names for the saw palmetto are Serenoa repens or Sabal serrulata. It belongs to the group of palms (Arecaceae). Because it prefers mild climates and sandy soils, it is found mainly in the southeast of the United States. It is a dwarf palm that can grow up to four meters tall. Its growth resembles that of a bush and the appearance of the plant is characterized by its fan-shaped leaves. These consist of up to 24 different individual leaves and have a sharp-edged edge. The inflorescence grows thickly and consists of cob-like, heavily hairy flowers. The fruits of the dwarf palm are single-seeded berries that are similar in size and shape to olive fruits. They are also characterized by a dark red color that turns black when dried.
Which parts of the plant and their ingredients are used?
In natural medicine, only the fruits are used. Benefits are derived from the high content of plant hormones (sterols). Beta-sitosterol in particular has added health benefits. But other ingredients such as plant oil, long-chain sugar molecules and flavonoids are also used.
How do the ingredients work? Where can they help?
Scientific findings have shown that phytosterols have a hormone-like effect. Beta-sitosterol, for example, affects the male hormone balance and reduces the formation of dihydrotestosterone. This is a hormone produced by the body (consisting of testosterone). This is associated with prostate enlargement (benign).
Various herbal remedies are used in the treatment, which are combined with other substances (e.g. pumpkin, nettle) in addition to pure saw palmetto fruit. These substances help with prostate problems and other complaints. Relief of the symptoms (e.g. urination) depends on the respective combination but also on the dosage. The respective extraction of the ingredients plays another important role.
It is not yet clear whether the fruits of the saw palmetto actually have a positive effect on men's problems. The usefulness of treatment should be discussed with a urologist.
Important: If you suffer from frequent urges to urinate, especially at night, or if your bladder is not completely emptied, you should have your symptoms checked by a doctor.
Further important information
In retrospect, treatment with the fruits rarely resulted in side effects. Known side effects include stomach problems.
Saw Palmetto - Saw Palmetto