
Beautiful and slim - bodybuilding for women

Schön und schlank - Bodybuilding für die Frau
Muscle building for women
Many women think that classic muscle building training results in big muscles. Wrong! Exercises like deadlifts or squats make your bottom firm and your thighs tight, without huge mountains of muscle. Hardly any woman wants to do the same as the bodybuilders in the gym. Their goal is to look slim and athletic, to have firm skin, a flat stomach and a tight bottom. To achieve this, they resort to sports such as jogging, cycling or fitness classes. However, nothing is more effective than the balanced combination of muscle building and endurance training. The right combination Jogging and cycling will of course help you lose excess weight, but it won't give you a flat stomach or the coveted butt. In order to tighten the tissue, the muscles need to be stimulated. On the other hand, great abdominal muscles are useless if they are hidden under a layer of fat. Strong muscles must therefore go hand in hand with a low body fat percentage. Don't be afraid of mountains of muscles The fear of dumbbells and machines is unnecessary. Building muscle mass is a merciless slog for men too. Aside from that, the female body can only build muscle to a limited extent, and the hormone testosterone is essential for this. However, it occurs in much smaller quantities in the female body. Instead, women produce significant amounts of estrogen, which binds the testosterone and counteracts muscle building. Without the additional supply of testosterone or other growth hormones, the formation of male muscles, in the form of a Mr. Universe, is practically impossible. Ultimately, it's all about losing body fat and building muscle to tighten the tissue. Instead of doing high-intensity sets with heavy weights, choose low weights and do high repetition sets. Repetitions between 10 and 20 are sensible, regardless of whether you do exercises with free weights or on a machine. The best exercises for the dream body Squats are considered the best exercise for the buttocks and thighs. Deadlifts or lat pull-downs are just as effective, the latter also strengthens the back and ensures a straight posture. Barbell curls and cable tricep presses are excellent exercises for toned arms. For the shoulders, lateral raises and the butterfly machine are recommended, which also shapes the chest. Unfortunately, if you want to get a trained midsection and a flat stomach, you can't avoid the painful crunches. For each part of the body, two exercises with three sets each are enough. This means that the full-body workout takes about an hour and a half. Training once or twice a week is enough to get a nicely trained body. On days when you don't train, endurance training is the perfect addition, e.g. running, swimming, cycling. Without a healthy and low-calorie diet, even the best training plan won't help. To get rid of fat deposits, the energy balance must be negative. This means you consume fewer calories than you burn. Reduced carbohydrates, more protein, lots of vegetables and healthy fats are on the menu. Conclusion An ideal combination of muscle building and endurance training combined with a healthy diet will lead to your dream figure. The fear of oversized muscles and a masculine appearance is completely unfounded. There is a large collection of effective exercises on Losing weight: 3 mistakes women often make We reveal the three biggest mistakes here and explain how to do it right. Tight ass like a soccer player? No problem with these 8 exercises! If you look at the players on the pitch, you'll see flat stomachs and tight butts. Here we present eight great exercises that can help you achieve this.
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