
When it comes to the question of which dietary supplement is suitable, it is often said that it is important that the product contains BCAA. There are various arguments as to why BCAA is so important. In particular, it is emphasized that BCAA, as a branched-chain amino acid, not only contributes to increasing athletic performance, but also helps to accelerate regeneration after exercise. There are now even studies that deal with BCAA. That is why we want to explain the topic in more detail here so that everyone can decide for themselves whether BCAA is a suitable solution for them personally.
About the term: BCAA
The short abbreviation BCAA stands – if you write it out – for Branched Chain Amino Acids. If you translate this term, it is all about branched chain amino acids. These are often recommended as dietary supplements due to their good effects.
Natural occurrence of BCAA in foods
BCAA can be taken as a dietary supplement. There are also foods that contain the amino acids naturally. These primarily include meat and dairy products. However, if you consider that these foods are only consumed in small quantities, it becomes clear that the body could be supplied with a larger amount of BCAA if dietary supplements are used. The substance BCAA is no surprise to the body, because it knows it from the foods mentioned. It therefore knows how to deal with it.
If you want to take a closer look at BCAA, you can see that the branched-chain amino acids consist primarily of three substances, namely leucine, isoleucine and valine. All three substances have different functions, which will be discussed in more detail here. Leucine helps to build muscle. It does this by promoting the conversion of protein in the muscles. Leucine also has another, very practical use, as it can help promote wound healing. If you look for foods that have a particularly high leucine content, eggs and nuts are particularly noticeable (alongside the foods already mentioned, milk and meat). Isoleucine is also responsible for muscle growth. The background to this is the fact that the substance regulates hormone levels. The importance of valine should not be underestimated. This substance primarily strengthens the immune system and is therefore important. It is found in foods, particularly cheese and tuna.
Amino acids: Distinguish between essential and non-essential amino acids
BCAA is an amino acid that consists of more than 20 proteinogenic amino acids. "Proteinogenic" means that it contains protein. Proteins are essential for the body's functions. They not only help with muscle growth, but also influence the body's metabolism.
The different amino acids can link together in different ways. Depending on the extent to which such a link takes place, very different proteins are created. A distinction must be made between essential and non-essential amino acids. The differentiation is important because there are amino acids that the body can produce itself. More important, however, are the amino acids that the body cannot produce itself because they have to be supplied through food. The body can produce the non-essential amino acids itself. However, BCAA is one of the essential amino acids and the body cannot produce these itself. It is therefore particularly important to ensure that the food you eat contains BCAA. Otherwise, there is a risk that the body will lack these amino acids, which could lead to deficiency symptoms. Such deficiency symptoms should not be underestimated. Even if the body lacks just one essential amino acid, severe limitations can occur. The consequence is that the immune system is weakened and muscle building is restricted. These consequences should not occur in the first place, so it is important to ensure that the body is always supplied with sufficient essential amino acids.
Positive effects of BCAA on the body
BCAA is of fundamental importance for the body. This applies not only to athletes, but to everyone. First and foremost, BCAA enables the body to produce more protein. This releases growth hormones. This leads to improved muscle building. At the same time, it also prevents muscle loss. A deficiency can be the reason for this, especially if people are struggling with weight problems. The reason for this is that the amino acids stimulate the metabolism, which is important if you want to lose weight. Effective weight loss can only be achieved if fat is burned at a sufficient rate.
Applications of BCAA in everyday life
People who are not very active in sports can consume a sufficient amount of BCAA through their daily diet if they pay attention to the foods they eat. It becomes more difficult, however, when people are very active in sports. In this case, the amount of amino acids that can be consumed through food is usually no longer sufficient. Therefore, people who are active in sports must be particularly careful to supply their bodies with the sufficient amount of amino acids. However, it should be stressed that, despite the dietary supplements, it is still important to maintain a healthy diet. Just because dietary supplements are used does not mean that the body is adequately supplied with all nutrients. Therefore, it is important to pay close attention to which supplements are taken and in what quantities in order to supply the body with other nutrients through a balanced diet.
Specific application of BCAA
BCAA is available in a variety of forms. The classic form is tablets, powder or capsules. However, if you want, you can also take BCAA in bars. This is often seen as more practical.
There is no general answer to the question of how much BCAA you should take. First and foremost, it depends on the amount of amino acids you already consume through your daily diet. The intensity of your sport also plays a role. These aspects can be used to calculate your personal needs, which vary from person to person. The required amount should be calculated as accurately as possible, because an overdose can lead to side effects in the long term.
If the main goal is to influence muscle building, BCAA should be taken about half an hour before training. To complete the effect, another dose can be taken after training. If the main goal is to prevent muscle loss, then taking it in the morning may be recommended. This also has the positive effect of increasing fat burning and preventing hunger.
However, it is important to keep an eye on the dose. If changes occur, the dose should be adjusted accordingly. If these basic rules are followed, no side effects are to be expected. However, the body should always be closely monitored so that a response can be made if necessary.
Find the right product: Huge selection
Anyone who is convinced of BCAA should follow a few tips when buying to ensure that they really get a high-quality product. Choosing is not easy these days because there are so many different options available. First of all, you should decide for yourself in what form you want to take BCAA. It is important to remember that the powder is usually digested more quickly. Otherwise, the form you choose depends on your personal preferences. Some food supplements contain additional substances that can also have a positive effect on the body. The list of additives should be looked at carefully to find a product that meets your needs.
Conclusion: BCAA is an all-rounder
To ensure that the body is always supplied with the necessary substances, particular attention should be paid to a varied diet. This is the basis of all considerations and cannot be argued away. Nevertheless, it must be taken into account that food cannot always provide the body with sufficient nutrients. This is especially true when it comes to essential amino acids that the body cannot produce itself. A combination with nutritional supplements is therefore recommended. It is important, however, to pay close attention to which nutritional supplement is required. No blanket statements can be made; instead, personal needs must be taken into account. These should be calculated individually. A review should be carried out whenever life circumstances change. Those who stick to these rules do not usually have to expect side effects. On the contrary, you will feel clearly positive effects on your own body within a short period of time. A significantly strengthened immune system is often the first sign. In addition, it is often found that muscle building can be improved, especially among athletes. But BCAA can also help if it is not about building new muscles. This substance also prevents muscle breakdown and helps maintain the status quo.