Pea proteins

Building muscle is an important topic these days. Athletes in particular are looking for ways to build muscle as quickly as possible. In doing so, it is often forgotten that measures can also be taken to prevent muscle loss. This is an issue that particularly concerns older people. The means that can be used here are the same as those suitable for building muscle. Pea proteins are particularly popular at the moment because they are purely plant-based. This has the decisive advantage that allergies are hardly likely to occur. Especially in times of intolerances, it is important to focus on natural substances. At the same time, pea proteins have another important advantage. These proteins can influence the reduction of body weight. It is a healthy measure that can be used to reduce your weight slowly but permanently.
Before we take a closer look at pea proteins, we must first look at their composition. Pea proteins are made up of various amino acids, both essential and non-essential amino acids. Amino acids are important if you want to strengthen your muscles. Amino acids also have other positive effects that should not be underestimated. Amino acids help the immune system to function.
Essential amino acids are particularly important for the body. This is because the body cannot produce them itself. They must be consumed through food. Pea proteins contain an important essential amino acid, lysine. It ensures that the bones remain healthy.
Lysine is also used together with methionine to form another substance, namely carnitine. This substance plays an important role in fat burning. The substance transports fatty acids and ensures that fatty acids are burned and converted into energy. This means that people who suffer from a carnitine deficiency can no longer break down fat sufficiently. This leads to weight gain. Therefore, especially in connection with weight loss programs, it is important to ensure that the body is supplied with sufficient carnitine.
But athletes also have to make sure that they supply their bodies with enough carnitine. This substance has an impact on athletic performance. Of course, the type of sporting activity being performed always plays a role. But especially when the sport - like many sports - has an endurance component, carnitine is absolutely necessary.
This makes it clear that lysine is essential for physical health and performance. Therefore, care should be taken to ensure that this substance is made available to the body in sufficient quantities.
Anyone who consumes pea protein is taking precautions and preventing a lysine deficiency. This dietary supplement is particularly recommended if proteins are consumed primarily through grains, as lysine is barely present in grains. A lysine deficiency is often difficult to determine with certainty. It is therefore advisable to pay attention to your diet. Symptoms such as nausea or exhaustion do not indicate a lysine deficiency, but they do not have to. However, anyone who observes their diet carefully can clearly determine whether they are consuming enough lysine. The amount cannot be quantified in general terms. However, it can be assumed that between 1000 and 3000 mg are required. How many mg are required for an individual person always depends on body weight, so this can only be a general statement.
Studies have shown that one serving of pea protein is enough to cover the daily dose of lysine. This dose alone can lead to an increase in athletic performance in the long term.
In addition to building muscle, you should also be aware of side effects that can have a negative impact. Strength training often leads to wear and tear on the tissue. This should be prevented in good time so that it does not lead to health problems. It is therefore important to consume proteins because this is how amino acids can be obtained. These are important so that the muscles can regenerate. It is therefore not only crucial that amino acids are consumed at all, but also in sufficient quantities. Only then can the positive effects occur.
In addition to the important substances mentioned above, pea protein also has other advantages. For example, iron is an important substance that is often not present in sufficient quantities in the body. It is essential because it is the only way oxygen can be transported in the blood. If you are prone to iron deficiency, you are doing your body some good by taking pea protein.
Pea proteins are also helpful if losing weight is a goal. Pea proteins can stimulate your digestion. Because they burn more calories, you can reduce your weight in the long term. Pea proteins also ensure that you feel full more quickly. Pea proteins should therefore be consumed shortly before the actual meal. Hunger will quickly pass, meaning you can lose weight without going hungry. Pea proteins should therefore also be part of a good diet plan.
Anyone who struggles with high blood sugar levels can counteract this by taking pea protein. This also helps to reduce fat storage. This is also a positive side effect.
Recently it has been shown that pea proteins have another effect that should not be underestimated. These proteins can even inhibit or prevent inflammation. The reason for this is that nitric oxide is produced during cell metabolism, which can lead to cell damage.
In addition to these positive effects, it should also be taken into account that there are competing products that promise the same effect. For this reason, it is important to consider the side effects of other products that are avoided with pea protein. Ultimately, the decisive factor is that these are proteins that are even suitable for allergy sufferers. People who suffer from lactose intolerance in particular can consume pea protein because it has nothing to do with dairy products. Nevertheless, responsible allergy sufferers should be advised to look at the list of ingredients in detail. There are often differences in the composition. The product that is most compatible with your own intolerances should be chosen here. However, since it is a natural substance, the risks are considered to be very low.
Recommended quantities
Anyone who buys pea protein will naturally ask themselves what quantities they need to consume. It is also important to clarify how often the powder should be taken. All of these are questions that cannot be answered in general terms. It always depends on the individual body type and goals. However, there are guidelines that can be given. These can be used as a guide at the beginning. In the long term, however, users also develop their own feeling for the dosage and know which quantities are best suited to their own body. However, some guidelines should still be given here.
If the goal is to build muscle, you can consume around 50g of protein. This is the amount for one day, which can be divided up as you like. Ideally, three portions a day are enough, each of which should be around 15g.
However, if the goal is not to build muscle, a smaller amount is sufficient. In this case, special attention should be paid to personal needs. In such cases, one portion per day is often sufficient, but this should then be taken on a long-term basis.
In all cases, however, care must be taken not to stop therapy suddenly. It will take some time before the first results appear. For this reason, continuous intake is very important. Even if you plan to stop taking the protein, it is important that you do not do it overnight. The body must initially adjust slowly to the pea protein. In the same way, the body must also adjust to the fact that the protein is no longer available. The dosage should therefore be reduced slowly and gradually until the protein is no longer used at all.